Friday, March 28, 2008

Bronx Students Discuss Senator Obama's Speech on Race

I wish that everyone in the United States would take time out to look at this video.

this is the dialogue that has begun. Kudo's to their teacher, and to the young people you see here.

Yes, we can.


Diana M. Painter said...

This is a great video. I subscribed to your blog because of your awesome "Anthropologists for Obama". You rock.

Denise Oliver-Velez said...

Thank you Dianamarie,
I'm just learning how to put up a blog. Was totally surprised to find that you found it.

I got a great bumper sticker from Cafe Press, that says "Anthropologists for Obama"

My car is wearing it proudly.

twoberry said...

I watched the video from your Talking Points site. Having been involved with Obama's campaign from the very beginning, I have to say this was as an impressive instalment as I've seen. It explains just why the Obama movement is so powerful. He touches something in every one of us, but especially something in the kids, and especially he touches something in the people who don't "look like us."

Every time something idiotic happens, I tell my friends, "It'll get better when Obama's elected." And I mean it.

twoberry said...

We haven't had any contact for a very long time. I'm still fighting the good fight. Yes. I. Am. Please find me at Thanks, Denise.